Have your BRP ready as you will need to upload a photo of it. Please complete all details carefully.

If you do not receive a confirmation email, your referral has not been sent.

We aim to contact you within 5 working days.

Refugee Rights Hub

    Your Details

    How would you like us to contact you?

    What language interpreter do you need, if any?


    Upload an image of the FRONT of your BRP or the first page of your status grant letter*

    Upload and image of the BACK of your BRP or the second page of your status grant letter*

    Upload an image of your passport:

    Data Consent

    I consent to Sheffield Hallam University HKC Refugee Rights Hub processing my personal data. If I am sending documents on somebody else's behalf, I confirm that I have their permission to share their personal data. I understand I can withdraw my consent at any time by emailing HKCRefugeeRights@shu.ac.uk*
    I agree

    Referral Agency Details

    *Denotes Required Field