The Refugee Rights Hub played an important role in reuniting F and her family in the UK. Her story is harrowing and disturbing. It is a vivid illustration of the vulnerability of refugees worldwide who risk everything in their attempt to reach sanctuary.

While a teenager, F was separated from her parents and siblings when the family were trying to board a boat in the middle of the night in chaotic scenes on the Libyan coast.

F did not succeed in boarding the boat and was taken to Tunisia where she was abandoned. Living on the streets and homeless, F met someone who took her to a European country where she was controlled by a trafficking gang.

She was found by the Red Cross when accessing family tracing and messaging services. Thanks to the Red Cross and other services she was able to trace her family to the UK.

The Refugee Rights Hub team worked with several other agencies to reunite F’s family. Her parents had received poor legal advice in the UK and we helped to collate and submit essential information to the Home Office and social services.

F is now living with her family in the UK, but another member of the family is still missing after failing to board the boat at the same time as F. Her family are grateful to be living in the UK and are continuing their search.